Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reflections for 8/10/10

"St. Francis, at the end of his life, said if he had to do one thing over, he would treat Brother Ass, which is what he called his body, a little better."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 274)

Since May I have been going regularly to LA fitness to exercise. I still walk in the morning but came to the realization that I need more if I was ever to hope to be a healthy weight again.

I remember that the last time I went to a doctor, he said you didn't get here overnight, it will take time. I do know when the downward spiral began, college. The time when I kept eating like I was still physically active, while not being nearly as active. I also found that beer didn't taste that bad.

While I do not drink very much and certainly not like I did in college, the damage was done, and only got worse because of the food.

While people like Francis in depriving themselves did some nasty things to their bodies, folks like me do the same amount with our overindulgence.

Somewhere we have to put the brakes on and regroup. I think I've done that. I still have a way to go, but hopefully the body God gave me to walk through this earthly pilgrimage is one that can rebound enough to carry me the rest of what I hope will be a long journey.


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