Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflections for 8/26/10

"You have made us something out of nothing. Free us so we no longer complain about what is not given. We know God, what is given and we can no longer deny it. Make us signs of hope, Jesus, for this world, so that the world will not destroy itself. Give us faith to believe, Father, not in just some new, happy life, not in some good fortune in the future, but give us faith in the now that seems so empty."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 288)

There are people in this world who are not happy unless they have something to complain about. The government, their job, their spouse, their kids, how unlucky they feel. If the world were perfect they'd be miserable.

I can look at others and feel that I've been short changed, but I have also seen others and the other side of the folks who seem to have everything, and feel incredibly blessed. I'd much rather be a sign of hope, than the constant complainer masquerading as a realist.

The more we push to attain what we don't have and probably don't need, the closer we push the environment and our society to the edge of a cliff.

Faith is more than just wishful thinking for a better future. It is also the ability to get through the mundane days and even the complete wipe outs. Do I hope each morning for a great day. Absolutely. Do I also hope for the strength, to deal with whatever comes my way, even more so.


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