Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reflections for 8/22/10

"In order to discover the right rhythm of prayer for us, the prayer that works with our temperament, we must listen to the ways that God speaks to us. How do you best slow down and enter into the dialogue of revelation and response? It's different for each of us."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 285)

When I'm asked about what prayer practice is the right one, I'll often say the one that you'll actually do. It's the same type of answer I give when someone asks what translation of the Bible should I get? My answer, the one that you'll actually read.

Prayer like any exercise takes a commitment of time. There is no one size fits all model. Our personality types plays a huge role. What is also true is that it is sometimes worth trying different ways until you fine the one that works. Prayer is relationships you need to keep working at them until you find one that clicks.


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