Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reflections for 8/29/10

"Who is God for you? It's unlike anybody else. You reflect a part of God that no one else will ever reflect. You reflect back to God a part of the mystery that no one else will understand."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p.291)

God for me has always been a constant companion. For lack of a better image, God is like a constant hum in my life. Always been there. I know what it is. And I've come to expect it.

I'm a firm believer in that notion that we are made in the image of God. What part of God I reflect is different from you or anyone else. There may be similarities, since we share a common humanity. But the uniqueness of each of us, is where the image lies.

Sometimes it is very hard to explain that relationship and reflection to others. Often I have to just say, watch. Hopefully what others experience through relating to me, allows them to see a part of God at work in the world. Not the whole, not even a large amount, but at least a glimpse.


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