Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reflections for 8/18/10

"Loss is one of the greatest occasions of passionate feeling, and it's one that is socially acceptable. When we lose a beloved friend, wife, husband, child, parent, or maybe a possession or a job, we feel OK to be passionate. But we must broaden that. We've got to get to a passion that is also experienced when we have it, not just when we're losing it. And we have it all the time: Don't wait for loss to feel, suffer, enjoy deeply."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 282)

Today is my wedding anniversary. I fully intend to enjoy the company of my wife. I hope that I do not take her for granted. As she points out I've been a part of her life for 1/2 of it. When I celebrate my next birthday, I will have spent a 1/3 of my life at this church. Again I hope we don't take each other for granted and continue to enjoy our time and ministry together.

It isn't that hard to fall into complacency in our relationships with others, our jobs and even our "things." Each day we should attempt to enjoy their presence in our lives fully. To be passionate about how much we love them. To give to them our all.

There will come a time, when I leave my current position, I have no idea when that day will be, I just know that when it comes there will be passionate feelings around that. I just hope to have had more great days than not with them. I know that in the marriage vows I said til death do us part. At some point one of us will more than likely die before the other. The hope is to not only mourn, but to have had such a good time together each day.


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