Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reflections for 8/24/10

"Help us not to get in the way of this always-bigger thing that you are doing."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 287)

One of the greatest debates in religious circles, is when is something of God and of man. Scripture tells us that if it is of God there is nothing you can do to stop it. Sometimes its better to wait and see what develops.

Of course that is not always the case. Waiting and seeing what happens when genocides are occurring would be an example.

I do find that often when we worry about what is of God or not, when the issues are not life and death, it is often our own biases that we push, shouting that we are only standing up for God.

I also know that the greatest barrier to things getting done, that I know should get done is actually me. I believe that God actually would prefer a little more cooperation and a lot less futile attempts at blocking on my part. In the end I will lose that battle every time. It would be better to get out of the way or at least keep pace.


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