Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reflections for 8/21/10

"The image of the weeds and the wheat has had almost no effect on the development of our moral theology, our self-understanding, or our patience with all institutions and with one another...The field contains both weeds and wheat, and we must let them grow together. How , much time I have wasted in trying to pull out my weeds! You cannot really pull them out, but don't ever doubt they are there!"(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 285)

We do spend a lot of time pointing out the weeds in other people's yards. I certainly have enough of them literally and figuratively. I'm trying to allow the weeds to just be, acknowledge their presence but not allow them to take over.

One of the other aspects of constant weeding is that we never have a chance to enjoy the wheat in our lives.

If you're not sure about the wheat-weeds metaphor the relevant biblical passage is Matthew 13:28-30) As Fr. Rohr noted it hasn't had much of an impact on how some Christian's view the world. Really too bad I think.


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