Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reflections for 8/15/10

"Could this be the time? It is always the time! The world is tired of Pentagons and pyramids, empires and corporations that only abort God's child. this women-stuff is very important, and it's always been important: more than this white male priest ever imagined or desired! My God was too small and too male. Much that the feminists are saying is very prophetic and necessary for the Church and the world. It is time for the woman to come out of her desert refuge and for the men to welcome her."(R. Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 279)

When some people here the world feminist alarm bells go off. Having attended a seminary where women outnumber men, I don't feel threatened by that word. I've come to appreciate what the world looks like through those lenses. I don't need to wear them all the time, but my horizons are definitely broader than they were 20 years ago.

God being too small is an interesting concept. I've often thought that folks who want to play the who's in who's out game have a very small vision of God. If I make the gate very narrow and make sure none of me is on the not in list, then I can feel a false sense of security.

What I've found that is in broadening my own vision of God, there's room for more people, including me. That just because God's saving embrace and love goes beyond those who look and think like me does not kick me out of the room. Once we get past that fear, then I find it is amazing how great the world seems.


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