Friday, October 1, 2010

Reflections for 10/1/2010

"As always God seems an expert in beating people at their own game."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 326)

How many times have you said to someone I'm not interested in playing your game. Meaning that the nonsense that they're pulling is not something you are willing to give your emotional energy or one minute of your life over to.

All of us play games to a certain extent. We try to avoid a problem, or an uncomfortable situation. We try to outsmart other people. We lay plans that often fail.

For some reason God seems interested in playing our games, or not using all that omni stuff, to just put us in our place. Perhaps it is those times when we out guess ourselves. When we repeat after Wylie Coyote and see ourselves as super geniouses.

When we are heading off the track, it is just at that last moment, that the final move always seems to be God's. That one decisive moment, when things that were heading in a particularly wrong direction, turn around on a dime, and we can't figure out why.

I suppose it really shouldn't be all that disheartening to be out gamed.


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