Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reflections for 10/23/10

"Faithful friendship and true partnership teach us more than a shallow sexual encounter."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.347)

I have had over my lifetime many friends of the opposite sex. I enjoy the talking, joking around and working together. Some of them of course turned into "girl friends" but most are friends that are girls. You know the difference when there's no physical contact or sexual tension involved.

The only time this has not been true is in my marriage, where friendship, partnership and physical intimacy do occur. But what isn't present is a shallow encounter.

If it weren't for those "faithful friends" and "true partners" outside of marriage, I do not think I would be able to actually understand the opposite sex.

I don't know if the same holds true for women. But I hope there are women out there who consider me a "faithful friend", a "true partner" and one that doesn't need or want physical intimacy to be a part of it.


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