Monday, October 25, 2010

Reflections for 10/25/10

"The greatest enemy of faith is not doubt; the greatest enemy of faith is fear. Most of the world is controlled by fear, petty and big. Petty fears control people; great fears control nations."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 349)

I'd like to believe that I've never been a fraidy cat, but I'm afraid that's just not true. When I'm at my worst, when I am feeling overwhelmed, fear becomes a great factor. I wish I could say it was a motivator, but I find it is more of a paralyzer.

I notice that much of our world runs on the commodity of fear. Every political ad these days seems to be about being afraid of some candidate because they'll do {fill in the blank}. We are definetely afraid of others and regretably this has always been the case.

The biblical message in both Hebrew and Christian Scripture's constantly says do not be afraid. When we are afraid we have decided that God can do nothing.

I'd like to believe that I do not fear things and most of the time, I do try to live by a do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. When I operate out of a true sense of courage, not a false bravado, I get much more done.


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