Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reflections for 10/16/10

"Both/and is for some reson much more demanding than either/or. It is an easy litmus test to distinugish the beginners from the more mature Christians."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.341)

There are times when I'm overwhelmed by the level of options available to me. Most of the options I have to choose from are generally positive. Life often feels like a diner, everything looks good and it becomes harder to make a choice.

When my choice comes down to just two options, it is easier, I suppose. In fact the either/or choices are usually not better of two goods. Sometimes it's the lesser of two evils, and more often than not either/or is not actually a choice unless one is looking for trouble or pain.

Both/and approach actually is harder not because it complicates the choices but because it calls on us to do more. Both/and does not eliminate things. And maybe that's why it isn't the path chosen by folks. Much easier to be told which way to go, how to think, what to believe. Let some authority figure make all the decisions. Just hand over your own ability to reason and think.

The invitation was always to enter threw the narrow gate. Amazingly that narrow gate would seem to allow for a lot more stuff to get through.


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