Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reflections for 10/2/10

"When Christianity loses the doctrine and power of the cross as its central strategy, it becomes a false and impotent religion. When this happens, as it has again and again, Jesus renews his people by calling them back-usually in spite of themselves-to the "way of the cross."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.327)

While the cross is certainly the most identifiable Christian symbol out there, the doctrine is one that still makes Christian's uncomfortable. We may sing "in the cross of Christ I glory," but the reality is more like in the cross of Christ I get squeamish.

The cross is supposed to show us that in losing our life we save it. That's the doctrine in a nutshell. There's more to it than that of course, but ultimately that's what it comes down to.

The cross is no longer an instrument of torture and fear, except when burned by hate groups. But it has become softer in our age. A nice piece of jewelry, a reminder of our faith, but not something that has great power over us.

Sometimes we can become too comfortable. See life as very easy and ignore the suffering and pain of others around us. It is in that moment that the cross renews its power. The power to orient ourselves away from ourselves. The power to remind us that our faith has room on it, for left and right, high and low estate. It is also there to remind us that there are aspects of our life that need to be nailed to the cross. It is also there to remind us that when we put others up there, we are the ones with the problem.


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