Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reflections for 10/29/10

"Why is it that we surround ourselves with other white, middle-class American Catholics? Why do all the others threaten us?"(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.353)

While Fr. Rohr is asking a question of himself, all that any of us need to do is change the description to our own demographic and it won't be that far off.

I suppose that as much as I like diversity in my life, it is certainly easier to be around people for whom I believe I know how the game is played. It may even feel safer, I don't conclude that I won't have to watch what I say, or how I hold my fork, or anything else for which my insecure side worries about.

The sad part is that even if on the outside I believe I've found my "peer demographic" there is inevitably something that we don't have in common, some value etc. I also know that when I only surround myself, with my demographic I do not get a true vision of how the world really is. A far more complex place than I might think.

The threat that I may feel of course is completely concocted within myself. And probably the person I fear the most, might actually be the real me.


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