Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reflections for 11/14/10

"But Jesus' new world order is, first of all, utterly subverting the old world order. He doesn't even bother to fight it, and this is what makes the people so furious. He just ignores it. That is utterly subversive."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.368)

Most modern folk do not consider the Christian faith as being subversive. It is not an unfair critique, since we have been in lock step with the powers and principalities of our day for quite some time.

While I'm no advocate for the complete overthrow of anything, government, church or society, I think there is something to be said for being a change agent within the structure.

I recall being told by a long time parishioner that "something had changed, but they weren't sure what." I took that to mean that they could tell that the church was different, but it had not become a please notice this moment, so that you can react before seeing what might become. I like to change structures one brick at a time, so that change can happen without causing too much push back. Makes me a little bit wimpy perhaps, but I get things done.

And even while I have said that I don't call for the overthrow of much, I do find that I will just ignore authority, not in an obnoxious way, I just don't feel called to draw attention to myself.

The vision for what could be as presented by Jesus, was subversive, and perhaps if we took a deeper look we might find that it still could be.


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