Friday, November 19, 2010

Reflections for 11/19/10

"We have to learn to live both in the world-as-it-is and the world-as-it-should-be. One is power; the other is loved. Power and love are conjugal partners. Power without love is brutality, but love without power is soon mere sentimentality. We have to put the two together in this world."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.372)

One of the criticisms of clergy is that we appear to care only about an ideal, rather than the realities of everyday life. I would have to admit that I do spend a lot of time thinking about possibilities. I believe I do this to counter balance the day to day realities that I have to deal with.

That Power is the reality and love the as it should be is probably true. We know that in our world, at least the underlying thought is that might makes right. If I'm stronger, faster, or just have more money than you, I win. It is also true that to just sing love me do all the time, is somewhat passive.

As I see it. Power and love working together get a lot done. When I love someone or something, I will do all in my power to help them. But the motivating factor is love. If all I care about is proving my superiority, than I've kicked love out the door. If all I do is talk about how much I love something, with little to no passion or purpose, I've become a hallmark moment.

It is also true that love may temper our need for power and our abuse of it. When feeling called to do something, it may be wise to ask how is this loving? And if you determine that it is out of love that you're ready to act, do so in a powerful way.


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