Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reflections for 11/30/10

"Decisive action beyond our fears gives us a sense of our own power and the power of God within us."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.5)

One of my favorite Advent hymns is "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus." The first verse is especially poignant to me. "Come thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free, from our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee."

I actually think fears and sins are often one and the same. Because of my fears I often have the sin of things left undone. The fear of something not working, or of being rejected often gets in the way of actually trying. It is a fear I need to overcome.

I will say that when I get past that fear, I'm often pleasantly surprised by how things actually turn out. More times than not the worst case scenario I've created was false and probably a trap.

The key for me to getting past the fear is to trust God's presence with me and that I have been given already all I need to accomplish the task in front of me.

It takes a lot to trust that. Fear is ultimately the greatest tool of the enemy within and without.


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