Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections for 11/5/10

"The axis the world moves on is changing. It's not asking the same questions, and invariably it's not going to come up with the same answers."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p. 361)

There's a flip statement that goes something like "Just when you think you have all the answers, we change the questions." A hard aspect of living in the era that we live in is that change happens so quickly that we feel like we are constantly playing catch up. Just when we think we have the latest technology it is obsolete, seemingly overnight.

We also know more of what's going on in the world thanks to 24/7 news and satellites. We can no longer say we don't know what's going on. Though we certainly can choose not to know.

Even our understandings of who has power, and what actually power is, changes as well.

One thing that is true as a more global perspective takes over almost every aspect of life, we are forced to at least acknowledge the different questions that the those from the 2/3 world are asking. What works in America and Europe may not actually work everywhere. Our answers may not even be addressing their questions. No wonder we seem so confused and conflicted.

Within our own context, are our children's questions the same as ours? I think the basic questions are the same, but there's a lot of extra stuff that complicates the answers.

Perhaps what all of this is calling for, is a greater amount of listening, looking and thinking. Not just going with what always works as our first response.


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