Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reflections for 4/13/11

"Maybe it is because it is to the ones who are most fully alive that death comes most unbearably."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p.97)

This week I will have my third funeral 5 weeks.  All three deaths were not unexpected. And in at least two of the cases probably more of a blessing.  That of course doesn't take away from the sadness and grief that the family and friends of the deceased feel.

I've had the privilege of being with people when they die.  In most cases it was a very peaceful shutting down.  I have also baptized a still born baby, and been present for the grief of that family at the loss of their child.  That death not expected.

I'd like to think that I'm as prepared for death as anyone.  I don't wish to die anytime soon, but I don't fear it. There might be some disappointment that I might not have seen or accomplished everything that I'd hoped to.

Most of  us don't get to pick the day of our death.  For most folks we'd like to see a long and enjoyable life that just ends romantically lying down one night and not waking up.  Sometimes that happens, though not that often.

I don't know how gracefully I would accept a health diagnosis that gave me a definite time frame.  I hope I never have to find out.


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