Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reflections for 4/20/11

"But when we are pressed to say what it was that actually did happen, what we are apt to come out with is something pretty meager:"(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 101)

Well here it is "hump day" in Holy Week.  I'll do my usual Wednesday of Holy Week thing and go over to St. Mark's (16th and Locust Philadelphia) for their service of Tenebrae.  It's a beautiful and moving service done well in a beautiful building. There is darkness, a loud sound at the end.  Always debated as to what the sound signifies. Is it the earthquake, is it the sealing of the tomb?  Either one seems valid.  But I know that whatever the sound is supposed to signify, it better be done well.

I think in trying to describe what happened, especially when it is something like the Resurrection, words often fail us.  How do you really describe something you didn't witness, but has had an impact on you and millions of others over 2 millennium? 

My hunch is that the way it is described is as multifaceted as the people describing it.  We know what the Bible says happened.  We can see in hindsight the affect of it.  But most likely only deep within, in ways that we can never fully describe, do we truly understand what actually happened.


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