Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflections for 4/22/11

"Anxiety and fear are what we know best in this fantastic century of ours. Wars and rumors of wars. From civilization itself to what seemed the most unalterable values of the past, everything is threatened or already in ruins. We have heard so much tragic news that when the news is good we cannot hear it."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 102)

This year has been a wild one for news so far.  Our country is currently engaged militarily in three places. Civil unrest cancelled my parents trip to Egypt. They then booked a trip to Japan, and of course that country was clobbered by an earthquake and tsunami.

While the economy certainly seems to have picked up, I do sense that there is still a reasonable amount of trepidation in the working class.

"Fear not," is one of the most frequently said commandments in the Bible.  And yet it seems to be the to mind.  And of course there is the obligatory crazy talk that all of these point to the end times.

And while we are constantly being bombarded with bad news and sometimes paranoid delusions, I still try to keep my radar up for good news.  Of places where people are working together, reaching out, and staying calm.  Hard to hear and often not sexy enough to report.


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