Saturday, April 30, 2011

Reflections for 4/24/11

"The impulse is to turn from him as we turn from anybody who weeps because the sight of real tears, painful and disfiguring, forces us to look to their source where we do not choose to look because where his tears come from, our tears also come from."(F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 104)

"Jesus wept."   The shortest verse in the Bible.  A very human moment.  He is caught in the grief of others, and is also mourning the death of a friend.  I'll have to admit I've been known to shed a tear or two at funerals.  Not all funerals mind you, but certainly those when I've really known the deceased, and if others grief is overwhelming.

I also tend to tear up in some movies, certain songs.  I guess I'm just a sentimental kinda guy.  Yet it very hard to watch someone else cry, because it may remind us of times we've wanted to cry. There is also the real possibility of losing our composure because so much has been shut down in order to save face.

Those times that we have weeped, and more especially those times that we should have but didn't. The real question remains why not cry?  I'm most impressed by people who can display emotions, not in order to draw attention to themselves, but because it is the most healthy way to deal with most situations.


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