Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reflections for 4/18/11

"The risen Christ is Christ risen in his glory and enthroned in all this glorious canvas, stained glass, mosaic as Redeemer and Judge. But he is also Christ risen in the shabby hearts of those who, although they have never touched the mark of the nails, have been themselves so touched by him that they believe anyway. However faded and threadbare, what they have seen of him is at least enough to get their bearings by."(F.Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 100)

I've seen plenty of impressive stained glass in churches.  It really can be quite stunning especially if the sun is shining through them.  I also took a class in European Art at Grinnell College and have seen my share of paintings of the post Easter Jesus.  Art that captures the glory of the moment, but probably not real accurate in the reality of the moment.

I believe it is in the hearts and minds of those who continue to believe, follow, etc, that the Jesus Christ continues to shine forth.  It isn't always perfect. It sometimes feels like a 40 watt bulb in a baseball stadium. It isn't always sure, but it keeps coming back to that centering place.  It sometimes needs a little polishing but underneath a lot of the rust and corrosion of our cares and fears, it still squeaks out, reminding us that it is still alive.


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