Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reflections for 4/16/11

"A cross of all things- a guillotine. a gallows-but the cross at the same time as the crossroads of eternity and time." (F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 99)

I suppose it really is one of the stranger symbols to have chosen, a cross. Of course in its day it was the electric chair, the lethal injection. But it was also more of a deterrent than our more modern ways of executing criminals.

I should say that I am not in favor of the death penalty. I think it brings our society down to the same level and does not deter much, and certainly brings no closure or healing.

I don't know if Jesus were executed in our day if it would have had much of an impact. We don't make a public spectacle of these things anymore.  Probably for good reason.

The cross has been both a sign of hope and a sign of terror in my lifetime.  I will be taking time next Friday with other Christians around the globe to think about that old rugged cross.  To think about one death in particular and what it means to and for me.  How in that cross the love of God is given equally to those of high estate and low estate, to those on the left and those on the right.  On that cross there is room for everyone and anyone who wishes to come into those wide open arms.


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