Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflections for 4/5/11

"Such faith as I have, where did it come from and why?"

I know some folks who consider "faith" to come from brainwashing.  Obviously I don't agree with them, but everybody's entitled to their opinion.

Jesus, once taught about faith the size of mustard seeds, and seeds being planted on different soils.  So I'll give credit to my parents for planting the seed.  Watering it, along with others, but ultimately letting God and me do the work.

I think the "soil" of ourselves is what really determines what happens with "faith."  There are folks who have the seeds planted but are never watered or taken care of and have no chance. There are others for whom all the care in the world can be given, but it is just not for them, for whatever reason.

I know the faith that I have continues to evolve and it comes from that relationship with God that I've tended too these 45 years.  As to the why, that's probably what the tending is for.


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