Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflections for 4/14/11

"But two old friends embracing in a garden because they both of them know that they will never see one another again." (F. Buechner "Listening to Your Life" p. 97)

If I were to look at all the friends I have had over the years, I wonder what I would remember about the last time I saw them?  What were we doing?  Was our goodbye a normal friendly one, or were heated words exchanged?  Did we know that was the last time we'd see each other?

Facebook has done a funny thing in reacquainting folks.  I've reconnected with people I hadn't thought about in years.  And since I don't usually part with heated words, it has been a pleasure reconnecting generally.

The truth is actually that every good bye, see ya later etc, has always the possibility of it being a last one.  Maybe that's why I try not to leave my house with a cross word towards my wife or my children.  Mainly because I wouldn't want that to ever be the last thing they or I remember. 

Since I have been present when people have said goodbye, before turning off a vent I know the pit in your stomach feeling that would come knowing that on this side of death, I will not see that person again.

Of course as a person of faith, I will always look forward to a reunion with those I love.


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