Saturday, December 18, 2010

Reflections for 12/18/10

"The only way that we become convinced of our own sense of empowerment and the power of the Spirit and the truth of the Gospel is by crossing a line- a line of decision, testing, risking doing and owning the consequences."(R.Rohr "Radical Grace" p.22)

The thought of crossing a line is a very frightening one, at least for me. There are of course lines that shouldn't be crossed, but I wonder how many fences I've erected over the years protecting myself against crossing a line that should be crossed.

Often heeding a call involves a lot of decisions, testings, riskings etc. The first decision is always am I willing to risk doing, am I willing to take the test, am I willing to own the consequences. It is usually the onslaught of those questions that stops me in my tracks. I'm not a risk taker, though often I wish I were. I don't like tests. And I sure do not like negative consequences.

But when fear of all of those things keeps me from doing the very things I need to do, I am not living up to my role as a beloved child of God.

We don't live in anything goes world. Thought should be put into most actions. But being afraid to even ask the question and thereby doing nothing, and constantly playing it safe, does nothing except keep us stuck.


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